Kamis, 12 Mei 2011

The Energy of the Quran

Make this Qur'an as a foundation of my life
Oh my lord you are the controler of the nature

We need to know that the Quran is the center of energy, Quran provides us with much of energy, and the energy in the Quran cant be destroyed because energy is from God. Everythingis in the Quran is the truth, education, history, success, sacrifice and etc, are all there in al-quran.

but we are discussing now only three energy :
1.      Prayer energy
2.      thanksgiving energy
3.      patient energy

Prayer and reading the Quran is almost the same activity, cause both are ways how to communicate with god, we often read the Quran but  that never changed our lives, this is because we do not apply the doctrine in the Quran. 

why prayers are not granted by the god?

1.      what is said in the mouth is not the same as that in the heart
2.      god knows what is best for us
3.      our wrong is very much

The more we are grateful, we will get more and more pleasure. And how to know grateful or thanksgiving?

1.      know the blessings of God
2.      ready to receive God's gift
3.      use it according to the will of god

Patient ( sabar ) is the true power of succes , when we have problems and we read the quran we will be calm, this cause Quran give us the energy of patient. patience is not a resignation and not do something, but the patient is to trying.


Refrensi :
Rusdin S. Rauf, Quranic Law of Attraction, Mizan Publika, Jakarta 2008

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